Question: What does it mean if a carrier has a verified badge on their profile?

Answer: It means the carrier has gone through our process of verifying their identity and/or received a monetary deposit from the user to ensure that they will complete deliveries without issue

Question: What does it mean if a customer has a verified badge?

Answer: It essentially means the same thing as a carrier with a verified badge, however for a general customer, a deposit is always required to receive a verification badge. This offers an additional level of assurance to the carrier that they will be paid for deliveries to a verified customer.

Question: How can I become verified to increase trust from other users?

Answer: We’ll ask you several questions and have you upload supporting documents and/or depending on your user account type, you will either have the option to pay a deposit or be required to in order to be verified. Once you have established a high review rating you may use your deposit towards payments on the site. The deposit fund is retained to be used in-case you are found to default on an agreement between customer and carrier.

Question: Is DROP a shipping or freight company.

Answer: No. Drop is a peer to peer service that serves only to connect customers with carriers.

Question: Are shipments that are brokered through DROP insured?

Answer: At this time, no. We do not offer insurance, we are simply a service connecting customers to carriers. However carriers or customers are more than welcome to insure their shipment packages through an outside party, and maybe eventually we will connect an insurance option within the app. While we are doing what we can to minimize all risks, if your shipment is particularly valuable we recommend purchasing insurance elsewhere prior to shipping with DROP.

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